CHAI Styling Workshop Home / CHAI Styling Workshop Whether you’re struggling with life-altering changes or something that’s temporarily thrown you off course. No matter what you may be facing, you deserve a break, a change of gear, and a new stylish chance to start afresh. Form for customer set 1 Full NameYour AgeYour GenderYour AddressPhone NumberJob TitleCompanyMarital StatusChildren and AgesHow do you spend your leisure time? Sports/Gym/Fitness Opera/Theatre Spending time at home Reading/learning Creative pursuits Other If you have selected other, please state hereWhere do you currently shop?If you are comfortable in doing so, please provide a brief description of your conditionAny other useful information?Do you have any difficult body areas?Whose style do you like in the public eye?What is your approximate budget for shopping?HeightDress SizeTop SizeTrouser SizeSkirt SizeBra/Chest SizeShoe SizePlease upload 1 full full length photo in fitted clothes, 1 full length photo in regular clothes, 1 photo waist up and a headshot Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 16 MB, Max. files: 6. Δ